Our Order For Mercedarian was founded in the year 1218 by Saint Pedro Nolasco in Barcelona Spain inspired by our Holy Mother, our Lady of Mercy
We contempative Nuns dedicate to intercede through prayers for the whole church, the captives and those who have lost their faith. We are located in Spain, India and Kenya
Our Order For Mercedarian was founded in the year 1218 by Saint Pedro Nolasco in Barcelona Spain inspired by our Holy Mother, our Lady of Mercy. In 1603 Fray Juan Bautista del Santisimo Sacramento founded the Discalced and Contemplative branch of the Order.
" In Him we have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of transgressions " ~ Eph 1:7. Following the plan of salvation of the Father, Christ redeemed us with His sacrifice to all the humanity. Today many are living far from God for being slaves of sins. Redemption is the main aim of our life shared and offered to easen the pain of suffering with tenderness to those who have left / lost their faith. The redemptive charism is a gift of the Spirit, especially communicated to Pedro Nolasco more than 800 years ago freedom for humanity for all time and for the redemption to be today a reality Jesus needs you... HE TELL YOU ... If you want, come and follow me..
Monastery Assistant
Mother General
Local Superior